Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Ok guys. I know I have been majorly negligent of my blog lately and im so sorry. you guys know that point where you feel like something is so bad/unfixable/far gone that it wont even matter if you try to fix it?? Yeah, thats where me and my blog have been.

Its just hard to be a new, small business owner.  learning the ins and outs as you go, trying to jugle time between the too much that was already on your plate and a new project, and then the defeat of not getting the response you want from "the world".

Its been a tough couple months.  But ive decided that Ive already put too much work and effort into this thing and Im going to keep moving forward!

So, with that being said, Ill be sprucing up the blog a bit and adding some new categories.  Hopefully this will also help streamline the blog with the social networking sites (ad take some pressure off of me to write!!)

So i hope you guys like it! Let me know if you have any feedback, comments or suggestions!!!

And remember:

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