Sunday, September 8, 2013

Why shop retail when you can shop RESALE!!!!

Have you ever thought about the Carbon footprint of your clothing? The large factory it gets manufactured in, the materials that are used, the thousands of identical pieces that are also being made? Think of the manpower and fuel used just to get that product to your favorite local retailer.  Only to find itself sitting in the back of a closet being forgotten about. What a waste right??!

That's where resale shops can help.  While it may be your closet that brand new designer sweater or pair of jeans is sitting in, its not too late to help the environment and reduce the carbon footprint of that item. You can gather that and other items from your closet and take them to your local thrift store. You may even get some cash back for it! And who isn't a fan of that??

By donating or consigning your items, you're giving them a second chance at life! Maybe you just never got around to wearing that big name label blouse; someone is out there looking for one just like it! Or maybe your child just outgrew that adorable outfit after one wear.  There's a mom who's baby would look just as cute in it! 

Many shops have fairly relaxed guidelines for the type of items they will take, as long as they are in decent condition for resale.  For some shops, this may only apply to a certain age group or price range though.  For example, we at From the Same Cloth only accept children's clothing and accessory donations.  However any items that don't fit those guidelines or are not in top resale condition, are still donated to our local crisis centers and homeless shelters.

And maybe you don't think you have anything you can part with just yet for a donation, but by shopping resale, you are helping to recycle clothing that would otherwise find its way to a landfill or incinerator.

So next time you're doing some "spring cleaning" keep your local resale shop in mind. Whether you're looking to clean out some space in those closets or to refill the space, your local thrift store can help with that.

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